Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas!

The holiday break is among us, and as a building administrator work must go on. Well, it isn't much work when everyone is gone. It is time to clean the office, and let the custodians clean the building. I found myself today filing all of the articles, journals, phone logs, meeting notes, discipline files, medical notes, etc. It looks like my desk drawers had babies in the forms of piled high papers.

It is hard to stay on top of all the paper work that an administrator must do. How do you maintain order in a building and cannot maintain order in the office? I go home frustrated that I didn't get done what needed to be done. Only to return the next day to an office that isn't organized to maximize my day. So, I am using the break to create an environment that will keep me in the mindset to perform efficiently and effectively.

That leads to my New Year's resolution.

To keep my office organized--to bad my administrative assistant doesn't know this :). It will be just as much her duty as it is mine.

Here's to your year being great, and the second half of the school year full of professional growth and student achievement!

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