Monday, August 30, 2010

Second Monday

Today marked the second Monday of the school year. I must say our school has existed in a state of confusion. I cannot pinpoint many things that have a clear and concise method for occuring. The only thing I know is that our staff has to create or recreate items on a daily basis. I believe this is due to continuous cuts made over the course of a decade. However, we do not allow that to be an excuse for not getting the job done.

We have begun our walk-throughs, and we are seeing some positives. However, there are many teaching strategies that need work. Lecturing is dominating our classrooms and coupling that with worksheets doesn't sit well. We still have a long way to go with the curriculum needs of our school.

Visibility is at the forefront of our administrative efforts. I, along with my assistant principals, have been in every classroom multiple times. Seeing is believing, and I think our staff is ready to open their doors and ask for assistance in delivering their content.

I think of this school year much like my daughter's room. Sure it is messy, but that is just her floor that is distraught. The room is still in good shape. After some tidying up, her room will shine. Our school is messy with some out-of-date practices and methods, but with some collaboration and discussion we will too shine.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ready or Not, Here They Come!

The teachers that is! Our teachers embark on the 2010-2011 school year tomorrow. They will report to school tomorrow and participate in one of four PD opportunities. In the afternoon, our administrative staff will be working with them in their Professional Learning Communities (PLC). We are going to change the way we operate, and for the better. Too many times teachers to work independently, and miss out on all the core knowledge the other teachers possess. The TEAM approach, Together Everyone Achieves More, is going to be the Groveport Madison HS way.

Is this change the way we in education see it? Working together, instead of in isolation? Will teachers conform and embrace this, or will they be stubborn and obstinent? Isn't collaboration the natural way to learn?

Time. Our teachers will be given time to collaborate. They will have an administrator that will be on their team. Data will be collected and displayed. Curriculum will be reviewed and refined. And, students will achieve more. Teachers will be professionally rewarded and satisfied. Administrators will be heralded for leading change and increased achievement. But, in the end, it will be the teachers working together on the same side, with the same goals that will make the difference.

Tomorrow will be a new day!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Back to School

The administrative team along with the guidance staff start back to school tomorrow. It has been a rough summer to be honest. Closing out the school year never had an end to it. The main office and guidance office were tiled. This caused all of us to pack away items that may have been needed to review for the summer. Enough complaining!!

I am anxious to get this started. I feel that this is the year to make significant gains in student achievement. Our administrative staff is new and excited to get working and couple them with our veteran guidance staff and excellent administrative assistants, and I am pleased to be in this situation.

We are going to tackle this year with a simplistic plan that takes alot of dedication and focus. We will collaborate in Professional Learning Communities and carry the mission of "Every student, every lesson, everyday!"